Friday, January 9, 2015

I am...Madalyn

I am a younger sister, partner in crime and devoted follower, fellow adventurer and confidant.
I am an older sister to two, a fierce protector and care-giver, always loving but often irritable.
I am a friend, intensely loyal those that I love like family. Even though we share no blood, we share laughter and sorrows and bring light and compassion into each others lives.
I am a tutor, diligently working to help those in my school and community learn the skills they need to succeed.
I am rich and bitter coffee, steaming from a stainless steel cup in the cold morning air.
I am the views I've seen from my hammock, the lakes and the rivers, the canyons and forests, the night sky and the sunrise.
I am crisp autumn leaves, all the hues of fire, fluttering in a brisk wind and streaming down from the sunlight treetops to land in heaps upon the ground.
I am the wind whispering through the woods, and the light of the full moon touching upon the forest, and the quiet gurgling of a stream.
I am the sound of the rain dripping against my hammock’s rain fly, the wind gently rocking me as I lay curled in a cozy cocoon of blankets, my dog curled quietly in the space below me.
I am a cup of oolong tea, poured from a whimsical teapot decorated with mushrooms.
I am a musician, djembe tucked against me like an extension of my body, vibrating with all the exhilaration, emotion, energy, love, pain, and feeling I pour into it, the deep beats it produces resounding like a heartbeat.
I am running barefoot through a field under the light of the moon and the stars, splashing in streams, and climbing to the the very tops of trees.
I am stacks and piles of well-worn books, some well aligned and sorted upon shelves, and some haphazardly stowed wherever room could be found.
I am long skirts and flowy shirts, loose and free, dark colored, and covered in dog hair.
I am a long coat, made of a random assortment of colors and patterns, heavy and warm and hand stitched with love.
I am a firedancer, swirling the fierce bright beast around my body in entrancing patterns, or spitting orbs of it into the sky.
I am a pair of snakeskin boots, with the snake heads still on the toes shouting a clear message: don’t tread on me.            


  1. Yay--you made a blog. Sorry for the technical difficulties at the start. I really enjoyed this piece and how you really captured so many qualities and inclinations that make you unique. The line about the leaves and "hues of fire" is beautiful. I can relate to being a sister and a "confidant" and a "protector." And isn't your little mushroom teapot just adorable?

    1. Thank you! Now that I have it up & working, I'm not scared of blogging any more, and I think I'll have a great time with it!

  2. Loved the line "Even though we share no blood, we share laughter and sorrows and bring light and compassion into each others lives.".. I also really relate to the line "always loving but often irritable." You're a very good writer! Looking forward to reading more from you.

  3. You had amazing word choice, i loved the line, "I am rich and bitter coffee, steaming from a stainless steel cup in the cold morning air"
    I Absolutely love coffee so i can relate!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
