Thursday, January 29, 2015

In My Future...

The presentation on Wednesday from the representative of the Art Institute of America was a totally new outlook on higher education. This institute seemed to heavily focus on doing, actually getting out of the classroom and learning actively by doing whatever it is the student is going to college for. Most colleges don’t seem to do that so much, at least not until several years into a student’s education. Another interesting point is that there are no general education requirements that you have to go through in the first stages of college. You get to jump right into your major. During the presentation, the representative focused heavily on several programs, the ones that they specialize on in Kansas City. I would like to ask her about the other programs featured at Art Institutes across the nation.
In one year, I see myself as a full-time student in college at MSU. This is a fairly well guaranteed assumption about myself in one year, for I’ve already been accepted to MSU and have a sizeable scholarship there. I’d like to be successful in college, with high grades, and probably a job. Nothing spectacular, I just want a successful transition into college life. By this time, my best friend will be back in town and we’ll be going to college together. In one year, I hope to still be as close to him as I was when he left earlier this week, and I hope to be going on various adventures with him once again. In five years, I’m hoping to be nearly out of college for the time being. I’d like to have been successful throughout my years at school, and hopefully around this stage of my life I’ll be able to get a job doing what I love. Broadly putting it, that would be saving the world. I want to get a degree in Conservation and Natural Resource Management. I definitely want to be out of the house by this point, sometime after my first year of college. So I could see myself in an apartment or even a small house, possibly with a roommate. I plan on living with Olivia, one of my best friends, during our later college years, so we’ll still probably be under the same roof. Or not, we’re both open to change and possibilities. In ten years, I’ll be 28. I want to be established in a career where I can work outdoors to save what I love. When I visited Colorado State University over the summer, I discovered it was my (very expensive) soul mate in college form. So around this time of my life, I want to use my career to transfer out there, to Colorado. Living there has been my dream for as long as I can remember. I want to be where I love doing what I love, and I can definitely see myself enrolling at a university out there to further my education, hopefully at the expense of whatever company I work for. CUS has a wonderful conservation program. Fifty years from now, I can see myself finishing my last years at work, then shipping off to a small cabin in the mountains, with every inch of wall space that isn’t a window covered in full bookshelves. I’m not a very romantic person, and one may notice that there are no relationship goals in the other stages of my life. In this area, there’s no particular place I could see myself in at any stage of life. I don’t care much when or how it happens, but in fifty years, I hope I’ll have stumbled across someone I can tolerate enough to spend my life with, and sit at a sunny, south-facing window with and read a book.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a lovely plan. I was voted Most Likely to Save the World in my senior class and I have done no such thing. So I need you to take care of that for me. I know you can do it. : ) And I'm in love with the notion you've concluded with: "I don’t care much when or how it happens, but in fifty years, I hope I’ll have stumbled across someone I can tolerate enough to spend my life with, and sit at a sunny, south-facing window with and read a book."
