Friday, February 6, 2015

For the Joy of Flight

Inspired by Maya Angelou's "I know Why the Caged Bird Sings"

I sing of far off lands.
I sing of flying into the distance and not looking back.
Flying away, to search out my own path.
Flying to escape the hatred.
Flying to escape the loneliness.
Flying to find light and love in the wind-strewn skies, and to stretch my wings in the clean golden air.
I sing to the Earth and the Sun.
I sing to the Moon and the Stars.
I sing for Joy and Love.
I sing for Hope.
I sing
to escape
the confines
of my cage.


  1. Beautiful imagery here, especially "Flying to find light and love in the wind-strewn skies, and to stretch my wings in the clean golden air."

  2. After reading this i feel like you have captured my soul in one short poem. I adore birds and i envy their freedom to fly about as they please. I can imagine being able to surf the winds cascading off of mountains, and dipping my wings slightly into the ocean as i zoom past the calm sea. Flying towards the sun, following it as if it is the life force that keeps me alive, almost like something more important than food. That keeps me going every day, just to bathe in the warm rays of the smiling sun. As the waves begin to pick up i could feel the sea spray misting my face, but i will savor every bit of it. The scent of the sea is better than anything else. The freedom of a bird is something that everyone dreams of, but for many different reasons. My reason is to be closer to nature. I hate how industrial our world has become and i wish we were not using up so many sources so quickly to feed the human need for power and instant gratification, instead of thinking about long-term consequences.
