Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Of the Stars

"Do you see them?" you ask. Your arm is wrapped around me, and you're staring up at the sky. "See what?" The city lights obscure all, and there is not even a moon in the sky this night. You look down at me and smile a bit wistfully, as if my mere mortal eyes cannot penetrate the deeps of the night sky as yours can. But your eyes cannot see any further than mine. Can they? "The stars," you say. "They watch over us, from all their great heights and distances, touching us briefly with their light. Far off, whole other groups of stars spin and dance and create life of their own. You can't see them now, but you will someday." "What do you mean?" "We are all of the stars, and to the stars we will return. Much like the galaxies, we're just clumps of stardust packed tightly together, some more compressed than others. But do you know the difference between us and the galaxies?" "Hm?" You turn towards me, taking my hands in your own. "The ability to love." Your lips brush against mine briefly and their touch lingers as you fade away into golden stardust, swirling away on invisible winds back into the immeasurable universe.
Chase the lights across the sky
and meet them in oblivion.
Follow their trail through the heavens
where they spin in liquid obsidian.

Their knowing winks and chilly smiles
spread across night’s basin,
hinting at the depths beyond
and whispering black temptations.

Telling us to join them
in their transcendental dance,
so we follow but can never reach-
held in place, as if entranced.

Cold whispers, jeering down
taunting as they spin.
If only we could reach, they say,
their secrets they would sing!

With proud disdain they glimmer down,
from amongst their blissful deeps,
and seductively they call to us
of the secrets that they keep.

Gazing at the stars,
we dream of what’s above.
Wondering what their light is hiding,
ever hopelessly enthralled.

1 comment:

  1. I am absolutely mind-boggled by space and galaxies and photos like these...I just can't comprehend the vastness, the wrinkles in time, the infinities...I like how you've put LOVE on the same level as something so encompassing, magical, wondrous...
