Tuesday, March 3, 2015

"Reel" life

My favorite movie, inexorably and incurably, is The Blues Brothers. It’s honestly very hard to choose that over the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and my inner nerd kind of feels like it’s betraying itself. I love that movie because it’s full of humor but also intense and wonderful. The first time I saw it was with my dad at a showing at the Gillioz, so it holds good memories for me. It’s also one of my best friend’s favorite movies, and it’s one of the things we connected over. I swear, between the two of us, we could quote the entire movie. 
I don’t usually care for romantic comedies or dramas at all. They bore me and they all have the same plot line, and I strongly believe they are all silly, idealistic, and frivolous. I’m also not a fan of military or political movies. I don’t usually watch movies, honestly. But when I do, it’s usually at a friend’s house or at home, holed up in my room. I like having company for a movie if I’ve seen it before or don’t particularly care to pay attention to it. It makes it more interesting to have someone to talk to about it. Otherwise, I like to be alone so that I can pay attention. The only exception would be if a friend wants to watch it as much as I do, and is willing to shut up and sit with me and watch it. Food is also a plus for movie viewing, but lets be honest, food always makes everything better. The survey said I am introverted and serious, as well as skeptical and critical. I’m also calm and organized and able to deal with stress, as well as dependable. I also, according to this, am very proud and competitive and express my anger directly. I guess a lot of that isn’t too far off the mark. If a movie were to be made about me, I would play myself, and the few friends that would be in the movie would also play themselves. No one but us can accurately capture our astronomical levels of awkwardness, and our sadistic senses of humor cannot be imitated. Likewise, we are the only ones that could pull our stunts. I’m unsure of any plot points that would be in my movie, but I imagine a prison break will be in there somewhere. I only wish I was kidding. The world may spontaneously end, go up in flames, whathaveyou. I can promise that at some point there will be a large explosion or series of explosions, with my lovely group of friends grinning maniacally and walking away from said explosion(s), laughing. Lots of the soundtrack will be Nirvana and Korn songs. Nirvana’s Lithium in particular will be included, likely during the prison break.

1 comment:

  1. Blues Brothers was part of the final Jeopardy clue last week! It was the first hit feature film inspired by and SNL sketch. They were looking for the second, which was Wayne's World. And I knew it! : )
