Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Some Favorite Lyrics

Wild Squall- Sea Dogges
Well the moon is softly rising
but the storm heads are a'growin.
Though the sails hang loose and free,
soon they'll dance to winds a'blowin.

Heave away, laddies away.
And we'll haul away together.
As the wind catches the sails,
and we roll from lee to weather.
Heave away, laddies away.

Now the crew is coming topside,
and they're hauling on the braces
as the first drops from above
fall gently on their faces.

Heave away, laddies away.
And we'll haul away together.
As the wind catches the sails,
and we roll from lee to weather.
Heave away, laddies away.

Well the night is black as pitch now
as the waves crash over the railins'
But the spray that blinds my eyes
will not keep this ship from sailin'

Heave away, laddies away.
And we'll haul away together.
As the wind catches the sails,
and we roll from lee to weather.
Heave away, laddies away.

Now the mate is shouting orders
midst the howlin of the weather
but a lonely shanty rises,
crying out, "Lets haul together!"

Heave away, laddies away.
And we'll haul away together.
As the wind catches the sails,
and we roll from lee to weather.
Heave away, laddies away.
And we'll haul away together.
As the wind catches the sails,
and we roll from lee to weather.
Heave away, laddies away.
Heave away, laddies, away.
Heave away, laddies, away.

Cloak of Feathers: The Ledgend of Blodeuwedd- Damh the Bard
Owl at my window,
Calling from the tree,
I hear our voice in the cool moonlight,

Do you sing those words for me?

To me they sound so empty,
Why do you sound so sad?
As you tell me of the things you've seen,
And the home that you once had.

(Chorus 1)
Beyond the mist of myth and legend
In a place not far from here,
Beneath the stones on the hill,
I want to see you land,
And I wonder if I'll ever, understand.

The owl she told me,
Of her home within the hill.
Of the wonder, and the magic land,
That lies within there still.
But a curse it follows lifetimes,
And it took away her skin,
For the words of a wicked man,
Made birds of her kin.

Owl of the nighttime,
Owl of the sky.
Spread now your ghost-white wings,
And on your back I'll fly.
Over the forest,
To the Hollow Hill of Stones,
Land there within the ring,
And call for your home.

(Chorus 2)
Beyond the mist of myth and legend
In a place not far from here,
Beneath the stones on the hill,
I want to see you home,
Give me a Cloak of Feathers so I'll never be alone.

And the mists they part as through we fly,
In my Cloak of Feathers,
The owl and I.
Birds fill the trees in this wonderland,
And an ancient curse is broken,
By the love of a mortal man.

Lady spin your circle bright,
weave your web of dark and light.
Earth, air, fire and water
bind us now as one.
(Repeat 2x)

1 comment:

  1. Of course you'd choose a pirate song! And I see the owl lyrics connecting to what you said about dreaming of owls lately.
