Thursday, March 26, 2015

3D Art

This piece was recently found near a stream bed. Unlike an arrowhead or knife blade, this piece had no discernible use. This is the story of its creation thousands of years ago.

The little girl cries, sitting outside her family's wigwam. Her mother is away in the woods, gathering willow limbs for weaving baskets. Her father is busy knapping flint, making new spearheads for his atlatl darts and fixing old ones. He also needs a new knife, and is intent on his job so he can get it all done today. The little girl feels forlorn and forgotten. She wants her father to play with her. Stumbling over her own feet, she makes her way over to where he sits in a circle of other men, bent over the piece of blue flint on his knee, antler striker at the ready to knock off another flat shard of the rock. He doesn't notice his daughter until he is tugging at his buckskin tunic. Impatiently, he tells her to sit down and play by herself, he's busy. She starts to cry again, and a pang of sorrow enters the man's heart. He wishes he could play with her, take her in his lap and tell her stories, but he needs his weapons to be ready for the next day's hunt. He picks up a spare piece of jasper from the pile of discarded rock before him, and quickly fashions it into the figure of a man. He hands it to the little girl, pacifying her. She squeezes his hand, then goes off to play with her new toy. For years she keeps it tucked into a pocket, and even as a young woman, carries it as a talisman. Eventually, time takes her and it, hiding the doll deep in the earth for many years until depositing it on the banks of a stream.

1 comment:

  1. I love the word "talisman" and all the power and meaning and magic behind objects labeled as such. Thanks for going in such an imaginative direction with this one.
