Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Teachers & Music

Ms. Self said that old Journey songs remind her of her childhood, and Mrs. Hopke said Barry Manilow. Personally, every time I hear a Bob Marley song I remember my childhood and dancing with my mom. Ms. Self really likes positive music, and her favorite song is Roll With the Changes by REO Speedwagon. Mr. Snyder said Bon Jovi, and scoffed when we asked why. My favorite, at the current moment, is probably Omnia or Enya. The song Raindance Maggie by the Red Hot Chili Peppers is a song that reminds Mrs. Hopke of someone she loves. She sais it reminds her of her daughter, Maggie, for obvious reasons. The song Three Little Birds by Bob Marley reminds me of someone I love. It was the song my mother always used to sing to me, and at her wedding reception, she dedicated it to me. Every time I hear it I think of her and her nickname for me, "Bird." Mrs. Hopke said that she's been to many concerts, both as a teenager and as an adult with her daughters. One concert she remembers well was a Matchbox 20 concert she went to with her daughter. They got to meet the members, which she said was exciting, and her daughter got sick, which was not so exciting. Ms. Self said that she loved going to Ozzy Osbourne concerts because they had "slick pyrotechnics." Coming from Ms. Self, I found this very surprising! Personally, I don't go to many concerts except for small ones with local bands. Mostly, they're just playing for other events. But one concert I remember very well was the Flobots concert I went to in 7th grade. It was my dream to be able to see them live, and I found out they were playing in St. Louis during the same week I'd be there visiting my grandparents. Mission accomplished! I got to go to Pointfest and see them, as well as many other awesome bands. Mr. Snyder said he usually listens to 96.5 on the radio, and sings along if he knows the song. He said when he was growing up, Hank Williams Jr. was considered offensive. I don't really listen to the radio, but when I do, it's either 102.1 or 91.1. NPR all the way. I don't follow modern music enough to know if anything is widely considered offensive, but personally, I find most popular modern music to be an affront to the name of music. Mr. Snyder said he refuses to listen to Marilyn Manson, and simply made a disgusted noise when asked why.

1 comment:

  1. I've always loved Three Little Birds, too...words to live by really. I am also surprised by Ms. Self's connection to Ozzy--I will forever see her differently! And not in a bad way! : )
