Monday, February 23, 2015

Classmate's Blogs Review

I read Ally's pieces Phoenix, My Perfect Future, Short-Lived Disneyland Adventure, Thoughts on a Simple Quote, and her poem Red Geranium. The dream piece, Phoenix, really caught my eye. The way she described the fire was spectacular, and I can honestly say very accurate. The joy of having fire whirling and crackling around you is exhilarating, and this piece spoke very strongly of this joy to me. I also loved her color-based poem. She was able to pack so much descriptive power into such a short piece, and it concisely brought to mind the feel of soft geranium petals. I also read Jane's piece on quotes, and her pieces Not a Real Love Story, Just Another Color Story, The Queen, Welcome to the Circus, and her If I Were In Charge of the World poem. I loved Welcome to the Circus. Her idea of having a whole miniature circus inside this tiny box was fabulous, and the whole story line was adorable. The last few lines in particular pulled on the heart strings. Any piece of writing that can invoke emotion like that is very well done, so hats off to her for that! I look forward to reading more of both Ally's and Jane's works.

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