Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Enchanted Forest

The woman sat at her kitchen table and sipped her coffee, flipping the page in her newspaper. Idly, she read the Aquarius horoscope for the day. “Words, once they are printed,” it told her, “are more real than they were before.” She sighed, and thought, “Hmm. Maybe just the kick I need to finish this darned manuscript.” She was a writer, cursed with a horrible case of writer’s block. She was currently striving to finish her novel so she could finally send a copy off to her editor. Suddenly impatient, she opened her laptop and began to write. Her muse was once again calling to her, and she answered, typing well into the day with nary a break. Images of enchanted forests dappled by moonlight filled the pages, and malevolent fairies danced through her imagination. All manner of dark and dangerous creatures took over the night in her forest, and suddenly, she was done. She printed out her novel, finally satisfied. But as the printer spit out the pages, ancient trees took root in her kitchen, and fairies began to flit through her living room. She remembered, with a dawning terror, all the horrible beasts she had written into her dark, enchanted forest...


  1. This has one of the best cliff-hangers ever! Great idea! I have always loved the forest, but i am deeply terrified of it in the night. I also write about creepy creatures of the dark, and if they could actually come to life and be the way i had written then, i would most definitely be scared out of my wits. I am also not a survivor, so i would probably be dead in a matter of hours. If this idea was written into a book, i would love to read it (hint, hint- you would be an amazing author). I love how enchanting yet evil the spirit of the forest in general can represent. I am also amazed by whimsical and majestic beings, such as fairies and sprites and mermaids and even creatures that one may not be able to see. Haunting, deceptive, hungry creations are wonderful and exhilerating to read about in books, but being face to face with them in real life would be a real nightmare!

  2. I love this set up for a story...words truly made real. The horoscope made me think of texting, and how hurt feelings/disagreements can be so much worse when the thoughts are spelled out in black and white to be referred to over and over rather than floating in the air between two people and less easily remembered.
