Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Fall of the Viking Prince

The battle raged through the night and into the morning, and again late into the day. By the time it finally ended, the setting sun was bathing the blood-drenched land in a horrible blood-red light, as if the sun itself bled in the gruesome aftermath of this battle to end all battles. Iorek the fierce Prince of the Vikings, fought valiantly beside his people to defend their isle, leading his men with strength and skill. But on that day, just as the sun brimmed over the horizon, he was struck down. All who saw were stricken with shock and despair for the fall of their mighty leader. And yet, with the great heart inherent in all Vikings, the warriors overcame their crushing anguish and rallied once more for their Prince and leader. With a battle cry that would send the devil himself packing, the ferocious warriors rushed forward. They drove the enemy back, winning freedom for their homeland. After the battle, his people sent him off in the traditional way of the Vikings. They laid him to eternal rest in his ship, weapons and shield by his side in death as they were in life. The ship was set alight and sent blazing into the ocean, where Iorek would rest forevermore, always remembered in story and legend. As the mighty vessel exited the bay, his father, the stoic King Ivan, shed a quiet tear for his strong and beloved son. The tear ran down his face and disappeared into his graying beard, unnoticed by many.

Inspired by a comic

1 comment:

  1. This idea of funeral pyres is quite striking and poignant to me. Makes me think of Beowulf. I like how you made it to this somber moment from a silly comic.
